Lecture 9: Reproductive Cyclicity in the Female


Lecture 9: Estrous Cycles


Hormonal and Ovarian Changes During the Estrous Cycle

Follicular Phase

Luteal Phase

The 4 Stages of the Estrous Cycle

   Cow Ewe Sow Mare
Estrous cycle (d) 21 17 21 21
Proestrus (d) 3-4 2-3 3-4 2-3
Estrus (hr) 12-18  24-36  48-72  4-8 
Metestrus (d)  3-4 2-3 2-3 2-3
Diestrus (d)  10-14 10-12 11-13 10-12

Estrous Cycles in the Dog and Cat (Figure 2)

Causes of Anestrus

Specific Types of Anestrus

Menstrual Cycle in Human Females (Figure 6) (Concept Tutor on Menstrual Cycles)

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