// "StartupMacros" // The macros and macro tools in this file ("StartupMacros.txt") are // automatically installed in the Plugins>Macros submenu and // in the tool bar when ImageJ starts up. // About the drawing tools. // // This is a set of drawing tools similar to the pencil, paintbrush, // eraser and flood fill (paint bucket) tools in NIH Image. The // pencil and paintbrush draw in the current foreground color // and the eraser draws in the current background color. The // flood fill tool fills the selected area using the foreground color. // Hold down the alt key to have the pencil and paintbrush draw // using the background color or to have the flood fill tool fill // using the background color. Set the foreground and background // colors by double-clicking on the flood fill tool or on the eye // dropper tool. Double-click on the pencil, paintbrush or eraser // tool to set the drawing width for that tool. // // Icons contributed by Tony Collins. // Global variables var pencilWidth=1, eraserWidth=10, leftClick=16, alt=8; var brushWidth = 10; //call("ij.Prefs.get", "startup.brush", "10"); var floodType = "8-connected"; //call("ij.Prefs.get", "startup.flood", "8-connected"); // The macro named "AutoRun" runs when ImageJ starts. // macro "AutoRun" {print("AutoRun");} // The macro named "AutoRunAndHide" runs when ImageJ starts // and the file containing it is not displayed when ImageJ opens it. // macro "AutoRunAndHide" {} //macro "AutoRun" { //run("My Plugin"); //} //macro "Unused Tool -" {} var pmCmds = newMenu("Popup Menu", newArray("Help...", "Rename...", "Duplicate...", "Original Scale", "Paste Control...", "-", "Record...", "Capture Screen ", "Monitor Memory...", "List Commands...", "Control Panel...", "Startup Macros...", "Search...")); macro "Popup Menu" { cmd = getArgument(); if (cmd=="Help...") showMessage("About Popup Menu", "To customize this menu, edit the line that starts with\n\"var pmCmds\" in ImageJ/macros/StartupMacros.txt."); else run(cmd); } macro "Abort Macro or Plugin (or press Esc key) Action Tool - CbooP51b1f5fbbf5f1b15510T5c10X" { setKeyDown("Esc"); } var xx = requires138b(); // check version at install function requires138b() {requires("1.38b"); return 0; } var dCmds = newMenu("Developer Menu Tool", newArray("ImageJ Website","News", "Documentation", "ImageJ Wiki", "Resources", "Macro Language", "Macros", "Macro Functions", "Startup Macros...", "Plugins", "Source Code", "Mailing List Archives", "-", "Record...", "Capture Screen ", "Monitor Memory...", "List Commands...", "Control Panel...", "Search...", "Debug Mode")); macro "Developer Menu Tool - C037T0b11DT7b09eTcb09v" { cmd = getArgument(); if (cmd=="ImageJ Website") run("URL...", "url=http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/"); else if (cmd=="News") run("URL...", "url=http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/notes.html"); else if (cmd=="Documentation") run("URL...", "url=http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/docs/"); else if (cmd=="ImageJ Wiki") run("URL...", "url=http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/imagej-documentation-wiki/"); else if (cmd=="Resources") run("URL...", "url=http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/developer/"); else if (cmd=="Macro Language") run("URL...", "url=http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/developer/macro/macros.html"); else if (cmd=="Macros") run("URL...", "url=http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/macros/"); else if (cmd=="Macro Functions") run("URL...", "url=http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/developer/macro/functions.html"); else if (cmd=="Plugins") run("URL...", "url=http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/plugins/"); else if (cmd=="Source Code") run("URL...", "url=http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/developer/source/"); else if (cmd=="Mailing List Archives") run("URL...", "url=https://list.nih.gov/archives/imagej.html"); else if (cmd=="Debug Mode") setOption("DebugMode", true); else if (cmd!="-") run(cmd); } var sCmds = newMenu("Stacks Menu Tool", newArray("Add Slice", "Delete Slice", "Next Slice [>]", "Previous Slice [<]", "Set Slice...", "-", "Convert Images to Stack", "Convert Stack to Images", "Make Montage...", "Reslice [/]...", "Z Project...", "3D Project...", "Plot Z-axis Profile", "-", "Start Animation", "Stop Animation", "Animation Options...", "-", "MRI Stack (528K)")); macro "Stacks Menu Tool - C037T0b11ST8b09tTcb09k" { cmd = getArgument(); if (cmd!="-") run(cmd); } macro "Pencil Tool - C037L494fL4990L90b0Lc1c3L82a4Lb58bL7c4fDb4L5a5dL6b6cD7b" { getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); if (flags&alt!=0) setColorToBackgound(); draw(pencilWidth); } macro 'Pencil Tool Options...' { pencilWidth = getNumber("Pencil Width (pixels):", pencilWidth); } macro "Paintbrush Tool - C037La077Ld098L6859L4a2fL2f4fL3f99L5e9bL9b98L6888L5e8dL888c" { getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); if (flags&alt!=0) setColorToBackgound(); draw(brushWidth); } macro 'Paintbrush Tool Options...' { brushWidth = getNumber("Brush Width (pixels):", brushWidth); call("ij.Prefs.set", "startup.brush", brushWidth); } macro "Flood Fill Tool -C037B21P085373b75d0L4d1aL3135L4050L6166D57D77D68La5adLb6bcD09D94" { requires("1.34j"); setupUndo(); getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); if (flags&alt!=0) setColorToBackgound(); floodFill(x, y, floodType); } function draw(width) { requires("1.32g"); setupUndo(); getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); setLineWidth(width); moveTo(x,y); x2=-1; y2=-1; while (true) { getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); if (flags&leftClick==0) exit(); if (x!=x2 || y!=y2) lineTo(x,y); x2=x; y2 =y; wait(10); } } function setColorToBackgound() { savep = getPixel(0, 0); makeRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); run("Clear"); background = getPixel(0, 0); run("Select None"); setPixel(0, 0, savep); setColor(background); } macro 'Flood Fill Tool Options...' { Dialog.create("Flood Fill Tool"); Dialog.addChoice("Flood Type:", newArray("4-connected", "8-connected"), floodType); Dialog.show(); floodType = Dialog.getChoice(); call("ij.Prefs.set", "startup.flood", floodType); } // This tool draws arrows. Double click on the tool icon // to set the width and length. Hold the shift key down to // constrain to mod 45 degree angles. Double click // on the eye dropper tool to define the color. // Press "z" to undo. var arrowWidth = 3; var arrowLength = -1; var arrowFirst = 1; var arrowLast = 1; macro "Arrow Tool (double click to configure) -C037L1ee1L65e1La9e1L65a9" { leftButton=16; rightButton=4; alt=8; shift=1; getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); xstart = x; ystart = y; x2=x; y2=y; setOption("disablePopupMenu", true); while (flags&leftButton!=0) { getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); if (x!=x2 || y!=y2) { dx = x - xstart; dy = y - ystart; a = atan2(dy, dx)*180/PI; aa = abs(a); ra = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); dx /= ra; dy /= ra; if (flags&shift!=0) { s2 = sqrt(2)/2; if (aa<=22.5||aa>=157.5) dy=0; else if (aa>=67.5&&aa<=112.5) dx=0; else if (a>22.5&&a<67.5) {dx=s2;dy=s2;} else if (a<-22.5&&a>-67.5) {dx=s2;dy=-s2;} else if (a<-112.5&&a>-157.5) {dx=-s2;dy=-s2;} else if (a>112.5&&a<157.5) {dx=-s2;dy=s2;} } if (arrowLength>=0) ra = arrowLength; x = xstart + dx*ra; y = ystart + dy*ra; makeLine(xstart, ystart, x, y); } x2=x; y2=y; wait(10); } setOption("disablePopupMenu", false); if (x!=xstart || y!=ystart) drawArrow(x2, y2, xstart, ystart, arrowWidth); run("Select None"); } function drawArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, arrowWidth) { setupUndo(); setLineWidth(arrowWidth); size = 8+10*arrowWidth*0.5; dx = x2-x1; dy = y2-y1; ra = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); dx /= ra; dy /= ra; x3 = x2-dx*size; y3 = y2-dy*size; r = 0.35*size; x4 = round(x3+dy*r); y4 = round(y3-dx*r); x5 = round(x3-dy*r); y5 = round(y3+dx*r); if (arrowLength==-1 || arrowLength>size) drawLine(x1, y1, x2-dx*size, y2-dy*size); makePolygon(x4,y4,x2,y2,x5,y5); fill; } macro "Arrow Tool (double click to configure) Options" { Dialog.create("Arrow Tool"); Dialog.addString("Width:", arrowWidth); len = ""+arrowLength; if (arrowLength<0) len = "variable"; Dialog.addString("Length:", len); Dialog.show(); arrowWidth = parseInt(Dialog.getString()); if (isNaN(arrowWidth)) arrowWidth = 3; arrowLength = parseInt(Dialog.getString()); size = 8+10* arrowWidth*0.5; if (arrowLength0) { selectImage(nImages()); run("Close"); } } //on 020213 added the show none things to prevent labeling of roi with numbers function objectSize(spec) { if (spec=="Bull") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=1500-3000 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear include add"); roiManager("Show None");} if (spec=="Bull_1x") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=700-2500 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear add"); roiManager("Show None");} if (spec=="Bull_q1.25") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=700-4500 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear add"); roiManager("Show None");} if (spec=="BufUW_q1.25") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=1500-3500 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear add"); roiManager("Show None");} if (spec=="BufPCC") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=500-1700 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear add"); roiManager("Show None");} else if (spec=="Dog") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=600-2500 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear include add"); roiManager("Show None");} else if (spec=="Stallion") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=600-2500 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear include add"); roiManager("Show None");} if (spec=="Boar") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=750-3000 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear include add");} if (spec=="Boar_q1.25") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=750-4500 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear include add"); roiManager("Show None");} if (spec=="Rabbit") {run("Analyze Particles...", "size=1500-3000 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear include add"); roiManager("Show None");} } function cropImage() { height=getHeight(); width=getWidth(); nheight=height-4; nwidth=width-4; makeRectangle(2, 2, nwidth, nheight); run("Crop"); } function identDead() { //get all image which should be hmask setTool(8); run("Options...", "iterations=1 count=1"); selectWindow("hmask"); //some day may wish to change size on the following, did so 62414 run("Analyze Particles...", "size=500-4500 circularity=.5-1.0 show=Masks exclude clear add"); type=selectionType(); if (type==-1) { selectWindow("hmask"); rename("all"); if (isOpen("Mask of hmask")) {selectWindow("Mask of hmask"); close();} } else { selectWindow("Mask of hmask"); rename("all"); selectWindow("hmask"); close(); } selectWindow("all"); run("Select All"); roiManager("reset"); //run("Create Selection"); //type=selectionType(); //if (type==-1) //roiManager("Add"); height=getHeight(); width=getWidth(); //requires dead image as ymask selectWindow("ymask"); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=300-Infinity circularity=0-1.0 show=Masks include clear add"); run("Select All"); run("Create Selection"); type=selectionType(); if (type==-1) { selectWindow("ymask"); rename("dead"); selectWindow("Mask of ymask"); close(); } else { selectWindow("Mask of ymask"); rename("dead"); selectWindow("ymask"); close(); } run("RGB Merge...", "red=all green=dead blue=*None* gray=*None* create keep"); waitForUser("Remove Dead Sperm\nClick on any yellow sperm and delete them. They should change to green.\nDo not delete a red sperm or calculation errors will occur."); //next modified 32012Êto eliminator problem if no live sperm on image run("Stack to Images"); selectWindow("Composite-0001"); setAutoThreshold("Default dark"); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=300-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Masks clear include add"); run("Select All"); run("Create Selection"); type=selectionType(); if (type==-1) { newImage("live", "8-bit white", width, height, 1); run("Colors...", "foreground=black background=white selection=green"); selectWindow("Mask of Composite-0001"); close(); } else { n=roiManager("Count"); roiManager("Add"); roiManager("Select", n); roiManager("Rename", "Live"); newImage("live", "8-bit White", width, height, 1); roiManager("Select", n); run("Colors...", "foreground=black background=white selection=green"); run("Fill"); selectWindow("Mask of Composite-0001"); close(); } if (isOpen("Composite")) {selectWindow("Composite");close();} if (isOpen("Composite-0001")) {selectWindow("Composite-0001"); close();} if (isOpen("Composite-0002")) {selectWindow("Composite-0002"); close();} selectWindow("dead"); close(); imageCalculator("XOR create", "live","all"); rename("dead"); selectWindow("all"); } function openImage2() { jp=jp+1; open(dir+list[f]); pimage=getTitle(); rename("p"); run("8-bit"); setLocation(20,100); jp=jp+1; f++; open(dir+list[f]); himage=getTitle(); rename("h"); run("8-bit"); setLocation(20,100); print("[Image Number]", "p = " + pimage + " h = " + himage); } function openImage3() { jp=jp+1; open(dir+list[f]); pimage=getTitle(); rename("p"); run("8-bit"); setLocation(20,100); jp=jp+1; f++; open(dir+list[f]); himage=getTitle(); rename("h"); run("8-bit"); setLocation(20,100); jp=jp+1; f++; open(dir+list[f]); yimage=getTitle(); rename("y"); run("8-bit"); setLocation(20,100); print("[Image Number]", "p = " + pimage + " h = " + himage + " y = " + yimage); } function openImageall (type,f,dir,list) { f++; f++; f++; open(dir+list[f]); name=getTitle(); print("[Image Number]", "all " + name); rename("all"); f++; f++; } function openImageall2 (type,f,dir,list) { f++; f++; open(dir+list[f]); name=getTitle(); print("[Image Number]", "all " + name); rename("all"); } function openImagelive (type,f,dir,list) { f++; f++; f++; f++; open(dir+list[f]); name=getTitle(); print("[Image Number]", "live " + name); rename("live"); f++; } function openImagedead (type,f,dir,list) { f++; f++; f++; f++; f++; open(dir+list[f]); name=getTitle(); print("[Image Number]", "dead " + name); rename("dead"); } function openImageald (jp,f,dir,list) { f++; f++; f++; open(dir+list[f]); all=getTitle(); rename("all"); f++; open(dir+list[f]); live=getTitle(); rename("live"); f++; open(dir+list[f]); dead=getTitle(); rename("dead"); }