Dog and Cat Reproduction Review Quiz

1. Most bitches reach puberty between 3 and 5 months of age.
2. The bitch has between 2 and 3 estrous cycles per year and so is a polyestrous type of species.
3. Proestrus in the bitch has which of the following characteristics?
Lasts for approximately 9 days.
There is a bloody discharge from the vulva.
Accepts the male to allow mounting behavior.
Does not accept the male but is attracted to the male.
Has a straw-colored discharge from the vulva.
Exhibits a false pregnancy.
Is sexually inactive.
4. Estrus in the bitch has which of the following characteristics?
Lasts for approximately 9 days.
There is a bloody discharge from the vulva.
Accepts the male to allow mounting behavior.
Does not accept the male but is attracted to the male.
Has a straw-colored discharge from the vulva.
Exhibits a false pregnancy.
Is sexually inactive.
5. Anestrus in the bitch has which of the following characteristics?
Lasts for approximately 9 days.
There is a bloody discharge from the vulva.
Accepts the male to allow mounting behavior.
Does not accept the male but is attracted to the male.
Has a straw-colored discharge from the vulva.
Exhibits a false pregnancy.
Is sexually inactive.
6. Which of the following are true statements about the endocrine profile of the bitch estrous cycle?
The increase of FSH that triggers follicular recruitment occurs during anestrus.
Estradiol peaks at the end of proestrus or start of estrus.
Progesterone begins to increase before the LH surge and there is > 2 - 5 mg progesterone in circulation at the time of ovulation.
Prolactin increases during metestrus II.
7. The length of pregnancy in the bitch is 63 days but varies in individual bitches due to day 0 being the day of mating and not fertilization.
8. The dog can penetrate the bitches vagina without an erection due to the presence of the bone in the penis called the os penis.
9. In the canine, the tie is the time when the male penis is held in the vagina of bitch as the bulbus glandis is engorged with blood and ejaculation is occuring.
10. During the canine pregnancy, progesterone only comes from the CL and not the placenta.
11. The testis in the dog should be descended by 7 - 10 days after birth.
12. Frozen-thawed canine semen should be inseminated
on days 11 and 13 after the start of proestrus.
2 days after ovulation is dected and then again 48 - 72 hr later.
on day 5 - 7 following ovulation.
always in the uterus.
in the anterior vagina.
13. Cats are seasonal in that they do not exhibit estrous cycles during the spring but only cycle summer through the winter.
14. Characteristics of pro-estrus in the queen is that
it lasts for 8 - 10 days if the queen was previously in estrus.
the queen will vocalize, rub her head and neck on objects and is attracted to males.
she will accept the male for mating.
she is affectionate to aggressive with her owners.
15. The length of diestrus in the psuedopregnant queen is less than the length of diestrus during pregnancy.
16. The period between estruses in the non-mated queen lasts for about 8 days and is termed proestrus.
17. Estrogen increases during estrus due to growth of preovulatory follicles.
18. Spraying by Tom's is often curred by castration.
19. Psuedopregnancy in the queen may occur due to mating with a sterile tom.